Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Favorite Roller Coaster Design

Loops, helix, steep drop, ridiculously long lineup. These words are sentiments to roller coasters, a well-known attraction across the world. My personal favorite roller coaster HAS to be based of a coaster that i had gathered up the testosterone for, which is why I have chosen Six Flags Great Adventure's Nitro. I'll put it out there that I am not a coaster fanatic, so don't blame me for my lack of choice. I would also like to state that, "yes" Kingda Ka is at that Six Flags, and that "yes" I essentially did not have the balls to ride that thing.
That's right I have relatively high testosterone levels.

One of the designs that make this coaster so insanely awesome is its vertical drop down to "DOOM"--disclaimer: I may or may not be exaggerating. However, the most ridiculous part of this coaster are the highly banked horizontal loops. Those things will stick yourself to yourself.
Finally I would like to point out that Nitro had won third place in Golden Tickets' best steel coasters, so suck that anyone who says Behemoth!

-P.S I'm tall

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