Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Concept Map + 10 Things You Need To Know About Electricity

1. Current is the flow of charge ( I ), and is measure in Amperes. The equation for current is I = Q/t

2. Conventional current is the flow of current from the positive terminal to the negative terminal, as opposed to electron flow, which is from negative to positive.
3. DC/direct current (single direction flow) vs. AC/alternating current (vibrational movement of charge)
4. Series vs. Parallel circuits
5. Ohm's Law
6. Kirchoff's Law
7. Resistance is anything that impedes current flow, and is measured in Ohms. The equation for resistance is

 R = V/I
8. Voltage is the potential difference between two points ( V ), and is measured in volts. The equation for voltage is 

V= E/Q
9. Power is the rate at which work is done (P), and is measured in watts. The equation for power is P = IV
10. How to draw complex circuits with voltmeters and ammeters

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